
Uw website zichtbaar beveiligd met SSL


SSL certificate with green address

Certificate with company info, signed application
Warranty$ 250.000
with the 'green bar'
Recommended for: Webshops, banks, other commercial sites



SSL certificate

Certificate without company info, verification by email
Valid for all * subdomains
Warranty $ 10.000
Recommended for: Company websites without commercial function, personal websites


SSL certificaat

Certificate without company info, verification by email
Warranty $ 10.000

Recommended for: Company websites without commercial function, personal websites

What is an SSL certificate?

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is an encryption protocol that secures communication on the internet. By using SSL, a connection to a webserver can be secured and encrypted so nobody can see the exchanged data. The visitor/client can see that the connection is encrypted in the internet browser. Firefox, Internet Explorer and other browsers show a 'lock' in the address bar when a https-page is opened and the data is encrypted. Without a valid installed certificate, your visitor will be shown screens that will tell him that the secure connection could not be confirmed and therefor, it might be insecure. With a valid SSL-certificate, this will not happen.

Different levels

There are several different certificates available, starting from 15 euro per year. Depending on your wishes and requirements, the price may vary. All certificates make use of 128 or 256 bits encryption, depending on the used webserver and webbrowser.
With certificates that show 'Signed application', we also require a sign application form on your company letter,and a copy of the extract of the Chamber of Commerce.

Wildcard certificates

Wildcard certificates are useful to secure multiple subdomains of a certain domain name. It is possible to order a wildcard certificate for *, so you can use the certificate to secure as wel as, etc.

Got questions about our certificates?